Leviticus Bible Trivia Quiz With Questions & Answers

Test your knowledge of the Book of Leviticus by taking this Leviticus Bible Quiz.

Whether you’re a curious newcomer or a seasoned scholar, this trivia challenge with questions and answers will test your familiarity with the third Book of the Old Testament and discover how much you truly know.

Scoring: This quiz has 50 questions and is worth 100 percentage points. Give yourself 2 points for each correct answer and 0 points for each wrong answer. Example: Getting 45 questions correct will earn a 90% score (45 x 2 = 90).

Leviticus Bible Trivia Quiz

Question: What type of animal could be offered as a burnt offering?
Answer: Bull, ram, sheep, or goats

Question: Who arranged the cut pieces of the burnt offering on the wood at the altar?
Answer: The priest

Question: What was forbidden from being included in a grain offering?
Answer: Leaven and honey

Question: What part of the peace offering was completely burned on the altar?
Answer: The fat portions

True or False: Skin diseases were a sign of demonic possession in Leviticus. 
Answer: False. They were considered a form of uncleanness requiring diagnosis and purification rituals.

Question: Who ate the meat from a fellowship offering?
Answer: The offerer, priest, and male family members.

Question: What offering did a priest bring if he sinned unintentionally?
Answer: A young bull for a sin offering.

Question: What type of garment did Aaron wear under the robe when he was consecrated as the high priest?
Answer: A tunic

Question: What happened to Nadab and Abihu for offering unauthorized fire?
Answer: They were consumed by the fire and died before the Lord.

True or False: The Day of Atonement involved sacrificing an animal to appease an angry God. 
Answer: False. The purpose was to cleanse the Tabernacle and the people’s sins symbolically.

Question: Who was forbidden from eating the offering in Leviticus 22?
Answer: Outsiders of the priest’s family and anyone unclean.

Question: Where was Eleazar and Ithamar commanded to eat the leftover grain offering?
Answer: Beside the altar, a holy place.

Question: Why was Moses angry with Eleazar and Ithamar after the sin offering incident?
Answer: They had burned up the entire carcass of the sin offering and didn’t eat the leftover meat in the designated place.

Question: Which flying insects were considered unclean?
Answer: All flying insects that walk on all fours except for those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground.

True or False: The concept of a Jubilee year involved celebrating every 50th birthday. 
Answer: False. It was a societal and economic reset that occurred every 50th year.

Question: What land animals were considered clean and allowed to be eaten?
Answer: Those with a divided hoof and chew the cud. Land animals that only chew the cud or only have a divided hoof are unclean and must not be eaten.

Question: For how many days was a woman considered unclean after childbirth for a son?
Answer: Seven days

Question: What type of animal did a woman bring as a burnt offering after purification for a son or daughter?
Answer: A lamb

Question: What disease is discussed in detail, requiring a priest’s examination for diagnosis?
Answer: Skin diseases

True or False: Leviticus outlawed divination, magic, omens, and witchcraft.
Answer: True

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Question: What bodily discharge makes either a man or woman ceremonially unclean?
Answer: Blood

Question: On what day was the Day of Atonement observed?
Answer: Tenth day of the seventh month.

Question: Which breed of animals was chosen by lot to carry the sins of the people?
Answer: Goats

Question: Where was the goat for Azazel sent?
Answer: Into the wilderness.

True or False: According to Leviticus, people could cut the hair on the sides of their heads.
Answer: False. The law focused on not altering the hair on the sides of the head.

Question: What did the high priest wear when entering the Most Holy Place on the Day of Atonement?
Answer: Linen garments

Question: Where was the authorized place to sacrifice animals for food?
Answer: At the door of the Tabernacle tent.

Question: Why was the blood of sacrificed animals forbidden to be eaten?
Answer: The blood was considered to contain the life of the animal.

Question: Which family relationships were forbidden for marriage?
Answer: Marriage between close relatives was forbidden, such as parent-child, sister-brother, uncle-niece, grandparent-grandchild, etc.

True or False: Only burnt offerings were acceptable sacrifices in Leviticus. 
Answer: False. Grain offerings, sin offerings, and fellowship offerings were also prescribed.

Question: How were the Israelites instructed to treat foreigners living among them?
Answer: As native-born equals and loved like one of their own.

Question: What did the laws concerning blemishes on animals forbid for sacrifice?
Answer: Animals with defects (or deformities)

Question: How many annual holy feasts were the Israelites commanded to observe?
Answer: Seven

Question: What was the first of the seven feasts that begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month.?
Answer: Passover

True or False: Any healthy animal could be offered as a sacrifice in Leviticus. 
Answer: False. Animals with blemishes or deformities were not acceptable.

Question: How long was the Feast of Unleavened Bread celebrated?
Answer: Seven days

Question: How often did a Jubilee year occur?
Answer: Every fifty years

Question: During the Jubilee year, what happened to debts owed between Israelites?
Answer: Debts were to be forgiven.

Question: If an Israelite became poor and sold some of their property, who was allowed to redeem it?
Answer: A close relative.

True or False: All seafood was considered unclean and forbidden for consumption in Leviticus.
Answer: False. Certain types of fish with fins and scales were permitted.

Question: According to Leviticus 26, what were the rewards for obeying God’s commandments?
Answer: God promised abundant harvests, peace in the land, and multiplication of descendants.

Question: According to Leviticus 26, what were the consequences of disobeying God’s commandments?
Answer: Possible punishments included famine, war, disease, and exile.

Question: Leviticus 27 establishes regulations for dedicated things. What happened if someone dedicated an animal to the Lord but then changed their mind and wanted to offer a substitute?
Answer: The animal could not be redeemed; it became completely holy to the Lord even if a substitute was made.

Question: In Leviticus 27, how much was the redemption price for a house someone dedicated to the Lord?
Answer: The price depended on the house’s value, with an additional one-fifth added as a penalty.

Question: In Leviticus 27, was the value of each person dedicated to the Lord the same?
Answer: No, the value was set by the gender and age of the person. For example, the value of a male between the ages of five and twenty was set at twenty shekels and a female at ten shekels.

Question: What type of animal offering did a person with a skin disease bring as a sacrifice upon being pronounced clean by the priest?
Answer: Birds. (Two live clean birds.)

Question: How many times did the high priest sprinkle the blood of the bull offering on the Day of Atonement within the veil of the Most Holy Place?
Answer: Seven times

Question: According to Leviticus 19, what was the purpose of tassels with a blue cord on the corners of garments?
Answer: To serve as a reminder to keep God’s commandments.

Question: According to Leviticus 5, if someone could not afford a lamb as a sacrifice for their sin, which pair of animals could be offered as a substitute?
Answer: Two doves or two pigeons.

True or False: God gave Aaron the commands in Leviticus at Mount Sinai for the Israelites.
Answer: False. God gave Moses the commands.

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