66 Books of the Bible List (In Order With Summaries)

There are 66 books of the Bible that are divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

This guide includes a list of the 66 Bible books in order as they appear in the Holy Scriptures we read today in modern Bible translations followed by short summaries of each book of the Bible for historical context.

66 Books of the Bible List

Old Testament Books

  1. Genesis
  2. Exodus
  3. Leviticus
  4. Numbers
  5. Deuteronomy
  6. Joshua
  7. Judges
  8. Ruth
  9. 1 Samuel
  10. 2 Samuel
  11. 1 Kings
  12. 2 Kings
  13. 1 Chronicles
  14. 2 Chronicles
  15. Ezra
  16. Nehemiah
  17. Esther
  18. Job
  19. Psalms
  20. Proverbs
  21. Ecclesiastes
  22. Song of Solomon
  23. Isaiah
  24. Jeremiah
  25. Lamentations
  26. Ezekiel
  27. Daniel
  28. Hosea
  29. Joel
  30. Amos
  31. Obadiah
  32. Jonah
  33. Micah
  34. Nahum
  35. Habakkuk
  36. Zephaniah
  37. Haggai
  38. Zechariah
  39. Malachi

New Testament Books

  1. Matthew
  2. Mark
  3. Luke
  4. John
  5. Acts
  6. Romans
  7. 1 Corinthians
  8. 2 Corinthians
  9. Galatians
  10. Ephesians
  11. Philippians
  12. Colossians
  13. 1 Thessalonians
  14. 2 Thessalonians
  15. 1 Timothy
  16. 2 Timothy
  17. Titus
  18. Philemon
  19. Hebrews
  20. James
  21. 1 Peter
  22. 2 Peter
  23. 1 John
  24. 2 John
  25. 3 John
  26. Jude
  27. Revelation

Note: In the next section, the years written for each book of the Bible in the list order are approximations based on historical analysis and Bible dating methods.

66 Bible Books In Order With Summaries

1. Genesis

Attributed Author: Moses
Year Written: 1445-1405 B.C.
Genre: The Law
Chapters: 50

The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible, recording God’s Creation, the fall of man, the choosing of a family to bless all nations, and the early years of the nation of Israel.

2. Exodus

Attributed Author: Moses
Year Written: 1445-1405 B.C.
Genre: The Law
Chapters: 40

In the Book of Exodus, God appoints Moses as the leader of the Israelites to rescue his chosen people from slavery in Egypt so they could travel to the Promised Land and makes a covenant with them at Mount Sinai.

3. Leviticus

Attributed Author: Moses
Year Written: 1445-1405 B.C.
Genre: The Law
Chapters: 27

In the Book of Leviticus, God gives Israel laws for worship and holy living. The book documents both God’s holiness and the holiness He expects of His people.

4. Numbers

Attributed Author: Moses
Year Written: 1445-1405 B.C.
Genre: The Law
Chapters: 36

The Book of Numbers is the culmination of the story of Israel’s exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey wandering in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience and lack of faith until they take possession of the land God promised their fathers.

5. Deuteronomy

Attributed Author: Moses
Year Written: 1445-1405 B.C.
Genre: The Law
Chapters: 34

The Book of Deuteronomy records Moses’ farewell speech that recounts the law and exhorts Israel to love and obey God in the Promised Land.

6. Joshua

Attributed Author: Joshua
Year Written: 1405-1385 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 24

The Book of Joshua explains Joshua leads Israel to conquer and settle in the Promised Land. The book displays God’s faithfulness to his covenant with the Israelites to bring them into the land he promised to Abraham. 

7. Judges

Attributed Author: Samuel
Year Written: 1045-1000 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 21

In the Book of Judges, Israel falls into a cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and ultimately, deliverance. God sent twelve “judges” who were leaders in the tribes of Israel who were chosen to deliver the Israelites from their enemies. 

8. Ruth

Attributed Author: Samuel
Year Written: 1030-930 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 4

The Book of Ruth shares the story of a Moabite widow who shows loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and marries Boaz, becoming an ancestor of David and Jesus.

9. 1 Samuel

Attributed Authors: Prophets Samuel, Gad, and Nathan
Year Written: 930-722 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 31

In the Book of 1 Samuel, the Prophet Samuel anoints Saul as Israel’s first king but later rejects him and anoints David instead.

10. 2 Samuel

Attributed Authors: Prophets Samuel, Gad, and Nathan
Year Written: 930-722 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 24

The Book of 2 Samuel continues the story about David becoming king of Israel and expanding his kingdom while facing troubles from his enemies and his own sins.

11. 1 Kings

Attributed Author: Jeremiah
Year Written: 560-538 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 22

In the Book of 1 Kings, King Solomon builds the temple and rules wisely, but after his death, the kingdom is divided into Israel and Judah.

12. 2 Kings

Attributed Author: Jeremiah
Year Written: 560-538 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 25

The Book of 2 Kings recounts how the kings of Israel and Judah mostly do evil in God’s sight, leading to the destruction of both kingdoms by foreign powers.

13. 1 Chronicles

Attributed Author: Ezra
Year Written: 450-425 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 29

The Book of 1 Chronicles is a genealogy from Adam to David, followed by a history of David’s reign over Israel.

14. 2 Chronicles

Attributed Author: Ezra
Year Written: 450-425 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 36

The Book of 2 Chronicles is a continuation of the previous book of the Bible. This book recounts the history of the kings of Judah from Solomon to the Babylonian exile, emphasizing their faithfulness or unfaithfulness to God.

15. Ezra

Attributed Author: Ezra
Year Written: 440-300 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 10

In the Book of Ezra, a scribe and priest named Ezra leads a group of exiles to return to Jerusalem to restore the temple and the law.

16. Nehemiah

Attributed Author: Nehemiah
Year Written: 445-400 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 13

The Book of Nehemiah shares how King Artaxerxes’ cupbearer, Nehemiah, leads another group of exiles to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and reform the people’s spiritual life.

17. Esther

Attributed Authors: Mordecai, Ezra, and Nehemiah
Year Written: 450-330 B.C.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 10

In the Book of Esther, a Jewish woman named Esther becomes the queen of Persia and saves her people from a plot to exterminate them.

18. Job

Attributed Authors: Job, Elihu, Moses, and Solomon
Year Written: Unknown (possibly 1440-950 B.C.)
Genre: Wisdom Literature
Chapters: 42

The Book of Job shares the story about a righteous man named Job who suffers greatly at the hands of Satan, and questions God’s justice, but ultimately trusts God’s wisdom and sovereignty under all circumstances.

19. Psalms

Attributed Authors: David, Asaph, Solomon, Heman, Ethan, Moses, and the Sons of Korah
Year Written: 1500-450 B.C.
Genre: Poetry
Chapters: 150

The Book of Psalms is a collection of 150 songs, prayers, and poems that express the emotions, experiences, and faith of God’s people.

20. Proverbs

Attributed Authors: Solomon, Agur, and Lemuel
Year Written: 970-680 B.C.
Genre: Wisdom Literature
Chapters: 31

The Book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that teach how to live according to God’s wisdom and fear. King Solomon is credited for 29 of the Proverbs, while Agur and Lemuel for 1 each.

21. Ecclesiastes

Attributed Author: Solomon
Year Written: 940-930B.C.
Genre: Wisdom Literature
Chapters: 12

In the Book of Ecclesiastes, a teacher reflects on the meaninglessness of life under the sun and concludes that fearing God and keeping his commandments is the whole duty of man.

22. Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Attributed Author: Solomon
Year Written: 970-930 B.C.
Genre: Poetry
Chapters: 8

The Song of Solomon Book in the Bible is a poetic dialogue between a bride and groom that celebrates the beauty and joy of marital love. The book gets its title from King Solomon whose name is repeatedly mentioned throughout the songs. The Song of Solomon is also called the Canticle of Canticles or Song of Songs.

23. Isaiah

Attributed Author: Isaiah
Year Written: 700-680 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 66

The Book of Isaiah is the first book of the Major Prophets. Isaiah prophesies God’s judgment and salvation for Judah, Israel, and the nations, pointing to the coming Messiah and his glorious kingdom.

24. Jeremiah

Attributed Author: Jeremiah
Year Written: 627-586 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 52

In the Book of Jeremiah, the Prophet Jeremiah warns Judah of God’s impending wrath for their sins but also promises restoration and a new covenant in the future.

25. Lamentations

Attributed Author: Jeremiah
Year Written: 586-575 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 5

In the Book of Lamentations, the Prophet Jeremiah laments over the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon, expressing grief, anger, sorrow, and hope in God’s mercy.

26. Ezekiel

Attributed Author: Ezekiel
Year Written: 593-565 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 48

In the Book of Ezekiel, the Prophet Ezekiel prophesies God’s judgment on Judah and the nations, but also His restoration of Israel in a new temple and a new land.

27. Daniel

Attributed Author: Daniel
Year Written: 536-530 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 12

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The Book of Daniel records the story of Daniel, a Jewish youth who is taken to Babylon and trained for service in Nebuchadnezzar’s Court. Daniel interprets dreams and visions that reveal God’s sovereignty over history and His plan for the end times.

28. Hosea

Attributed Author: Hosea
Year Written: 750-710 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 14

The Book of Hosea is the first book of the Minor Prophets in the Bible. Hosea portrays God’s faithful love for His unfaithful people metaphorically through Hosea’s own marriage to an adulterous wife.

29. Joel

Attributed Author: Joel
Year Written: 835-800 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 3

In the Book of Joel, the Prophet Joel calls Judah to repentance in view of a locust plague that foreshadows the day of the Lord.

30. Amos

Attributed Author: Amos
Year Written: 760-750 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 9

In the Book of Amos, the Prophet Amos denounces the social injustice and religious hypocrisy of Israel and Judah and warns them of God’s impending judgment.

31. Obadiah

Attributed Author: Obadiah
Year Written: 850-840 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 1

In the Book of Obadiah, the Prophet Obadiah pronounces God’s wrath on Edom for their pride and hostility against Israel.

32. Jonah

Attributed Author: Unknown (attributed to Jonah)
Year Written: 785-750 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 4

The Book of Jonah recounts the story of the Prophet Jonah who flees from God’s call to preach to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. After being swallowed and vomited by a fish, he reluctantly obeys the Lord and sees the city repent.

33. Micah

Attributed Author: Micah
Year Written: 735-700 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 7

In the Book of Micah, the Prophet Micah exposes the corruption and idolatry of Israel and Judah, and predicts their downfall as well as their future restoration by a ruler from Bethlehem. This book of the Bible also includes some of the clearest predictions of the Messiah.

34. Nahum

Attributed Author: Nahum
Year Written: 663-612 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 3

In the Book of Nahum, the Prophet Nahum declares God’s vengeance on Nineveh (around 100-150 years after Jonah) for their cruelty and wickedness.

35. Habakkuk

Attributed Author: Habakkuk
Year Written: 615-605 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 3

In the Book of Habakkuk, the Prophet Habakkuk questions God’s justice in allowing Babylon to oppress Judah but learns to trust God’s sovereignty and rejoice in His salvation.

36. Zephaniah

Attributed Author: Zephaniah
Year Written: 640-620 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 3

In the Book of Zephaniah, the Prophet Zephaniah proclaims God’s judgment on Judah and the nations, but also His promise to preserve a faithful remnant and bless them with joy and peace.

37. Haggai

Attributed Author: Haggai
Year Written: 520 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 2

In the Book of Haggai, the Prophet Haggai urges the returned exiles to rebuild the temple and assures them of God’s presence and blessing.

38. Zechariah

Attributed Author: Zechariah
Year Written: 520-470 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 14

In the Book of Zechariah, the Prophet Zechariah encourages the returned exiles to complete the temple and prepare for the coming of the Lord and His messianic king. This book includes eight visions the Lord gave Zechariah about the House of Israel.

39. Malachi

Attributed Author: Malachi
Year Written: 440-400 B.C.
Genre: Prophecy
Chapters: 4

The Book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament in the Bible. The Prophet Malachi rebukes the priests and the people for their covenant unfaithfulness and calls them to repentance and reformation. The book expresses God’s love for a nation that continues to disobey Him.

40. Matthew

Attributed Author: Matthew
Year Written: 50-65 A.D.
Genre: Gospel
Chapters: 28

The Book of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament. Also known as the Gospel of Matthew. The book presents Jesus as the Messiah, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies, and the King of God’s kingdom.

41. Mark

Attributed Author: John Mark
Year Written: 55-65 A.D.
Genre: Gospel
Chapters: 16

In the Book of Mark, Jesus is portrayed as the suffering servant; the Son of God who died as a ransom for sinners. Also known as the Gospel of Mark.

42. Luke

Attributed Author: Luke
Year Written: 58-65 A.D.
Genre: Gospel
Chapters: 24

In the Book of Luke, Jesus is depicted as the Savior of all people, especially the poor, the outcasts, and the Gentiles. Also known as the Gospel of Luke.

43. John

Attributed Author: John
Year Written: 80-95 A.D.
Genre: Gospel
Chapters: 21

The Book of John is the last of the four Gospels in the Bible. The Gospel of John is an eyewitness account that reveals Jesus as the Word of God, the source of eternal life, and the object of faith.

44. Acts

Attributed Author: Luke
Year Written: 61-64 A.D.
Genre: Historical Narrative
Chapters: 28

The Book of Acts narrates the birth and growth of the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit and the witness of the apostles. Also known as the Acts of the Apostles.

45. Romans

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 56-58 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 16

The Book of Romans is the first Epistle (letter) in the Bible written by the Apostle Paul to the Christian Church in Rome. Romans explains the gospel of God’s righteousness that is revealed in Jesus Christ and received by faith. This book stands as the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in all the Scriptures. 

46. 1 Corinthians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 55 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 16

The Book of 1 Corinthians is the first of two letters written by the Apostle Paul to the Church members in the city of Corinth. Paul addresses various problems and questions in the Corinthian Church, such as divisions, immorality, lawsuits, marriage, spiritual gifts, worship, resurrection, and love.

47. 2 Corinthians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 55-56 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 13

The Book of 2 Corinthians is the second letter from the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian Church. Paul defends the apostolic ministry and authority against false teachers who boast in outward appearances and undermine the message of grace.

48. Galatians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 49-50 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 6

The Book of Galatians is a letter from the Apostle Paul to the Christian Churches in Galatia. Paul confronts the Galatians for deserting the gospel of grace and turning to a different gospel of works. The book specifically addresses the problem of Jewish legalism and the fullness of salvation found in Jesus.

49. Ephesians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 60-62 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 6

The Book of Ephesians is a letter from the Apostle Paul to the Church in Ephesus. The Epistle was written during Paul’s first imprisonment. Paul celebrates God’s glorious grace in Jesus Christ that unites Jews and Gentiles into one body, and instructs them how to live as God’s new creation by being fruitful followers of Christ.

50. Philippians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 60-62 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 4

The Book of Philippians is a letter from the Apostle Paul to the Church in Philippi. Paul expresses joy, gratitude, and encouragement for the Philippians’ faith and partnership in the gospel. Themes include hardship, humility, love, service, hope beyond suffering, and God’s glory. 

51. Colossians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 60-62 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 4

The Book of Colossians is a letter from the Apostle Paul to the Church in Colossae. Paul warns Christians against false teachings and emphasizes the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ in all things.

52. 1 Thessalonians

Attributed Authors: Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy
Year Written: 49-51 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 5

The Book of 1 Thessalonians is the first of two letters written by the Apostle Paul, his companion Silvanus, and his disciple Timothy to the Church in Thessalonica, which consisted of a community of believers who had been Christians for only a short period of time. These men write to commend the Thessalonians for their steadfastness in persecution, instructing them on various matters of Christian living such as faith, hope, and love; and assuring them of Christ’s return.

53. 2 Thessalonians

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 49-51 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 3

The Book of 2 Thessalonians is the second letter from the Apostle Paul to the Church in Thessalonica, correcting some misunderstandings about the end times, urging them to remain faithful and diligent, and praying for their growth and protection.

54. 1 Timothy

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 62-66 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 6

The Book of 1 Timothy is the first of two letters from the Apostle Paul to his young protégé Timothy, giving him practical advice and instructions on how to lead and care for the Church in Ephesus.

55. 2 Timothy

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 66-67 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 4

The Book of 2 Timothy is the second letter from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, urging him to remain faithful to the gospel, endure hardship, and fulfill his ministry as Paul faces imminent death. The book is traditionally considered to be the last Epistle that Paul wrote before he died.

56. Titus

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 64-65 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 3

The Book of Titus is a letter from the Apostle Paul to his close companion Titus, instructing him on how to organize and oversee the Churches in Crete, and how to teach sound doctrine and godly living to various groups of people so that the good news of Jesus can transform Cretan culture from within. 

57. Philemon

Attributed Author: Paul
Year Written: 57-62 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 1

The Book of Philemon is a personal letter from the Apostle Paul his friend Philemon, appealing to him to forgive and welcome back his runaway slave Onesimus, who had become a Christian under Paul’s ministry.

58. Hebrews

Attributed Author: Anonymous
Year Written: 61-69 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 13

The Book of Hebrews is an anonymous letter to Jewish Christians, exhorting them not to abandon their faith in Jesus Christ, but to persevere and trust in His superior priesthood, sacrifice, and covenant.

59. James

Attributed Author: James
Year Written: 44-49 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 5

The Book of James is a letter from the Apostle James to Jewish Christians scattered abroad, challenging them to show their faith by their works, and giving them practical wisdom for living godly lives. James was a half-brother of Jesus, but not the same James who was one of the original twelve apostles.

60. 1 Peter

Attributed Author: Peter
Year Written: 60-65 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 5

The Book of 1 Peter is the first of two letters from the Apostle Peter to Christians suffering persecution in various regions of Asia Minor, encouraging them to stand firm in their hope, holiness, and humility as they follow the example of Christ. Peter was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ.

61. 2 Peter

Attributed Author: Peter
Year Written: 65-68 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 3

The Book of 2 Peter is the second letter from the Apostle Peter to Christians in Asia Minor who were facing false teachers and scoffers, reminding them of the truth and power of God’s word, and urging them to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ.

62. 1 John

Attributed Author: John
Year Written: 85-95 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 5

The Book of 1 John is a letter to Christians who were confused by false teachers about the nature of Christ and the test of true fellowship with God, assuring them of the Lord’s love, light, and life in them. Although the author never identifies himself, the traditional view of this letter and the following two letters (the books of 2 John and 3 John) is that the Apostle John, son of Zebedee and one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, wrote them.

63. 2 John

Attributed Author: John
Year Written: 85-95 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 1

The Book of 2 John is a letter from the Apostle John to a lady and her children, whom he loved in the truth, warning them not to welcome or support those who deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

64. 3 John

Attributed Author: John
Year Written: 85-95 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 1

The Book of 3 John is a letter from the Apostle John to his friend Gaius, whom he commended for his hospitality and faithfulness, contrasting him with Diotrephes, who was arrogant and divisive.

65. Jude

Attributed Author: Jude
Year Written: 60-80 A.D.
Genre: Epistle
Chapters: 1

The Book of Jude is a letter from Jude to Christians who were threatened by false teachers who perverted God’s grace and denied Christ’s lordship, calling them to contend for the faith. Traditionally, Jude has been understood to be a half-brother of Jesus and the leader of the first Jerusalem Church.

66. Revelation

Attributed Author: John
Year Written: 94-96 A.D.
Genre: Apocalyptic Literature
Chapters: 22

The Book of Revelation is a prophetic vision from the Apostle John written during his imprisonment on the island of Patmos, revealing the things that will take place concerning Christ’s victory over evil and his coming kingdom. Revelation is the final book of the Bible.

Learn More About the Authors of the Bible Books

If you want to find out more about Bible authorship, then check out our other guide with the books of the Bible and their authors. That page explains more about each author who is ascribed to every book in the Holy Bible, including scripture references to back up those claims.

Read the 66 Books of the Bible In Order

You can visit our Bible Index to begin reading the 66 books of the Bible in order from Genesis to Revelation. The Index includes a list of the 66 Bible books separated into the two main divisions of the Bible: the Old Testament and the New Testament. After choosing a book of the Bible, you can select a specific chapter to read God’s Word in the Holy Scriptures.

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