Judges Bible Trivia Quiz With Questions & Answers

Test your knowledge of the Book of Judges by taking this Judges Bible Quiz.

Whether you’re a curious newcomer or a seasoned scholar, this trivia challenge with questions and answers will test your familiarity with the seventh Book of the Old Testament and discover how much you truly know.

Scoring: This quiz has 50 questions and is worth 100 percentage points. Give yourself 2 points for each correct answer and 0 points for each wrong answer. Example: Getting 45 questions correct will earn a 90% score (45 x 2 = 90).

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Judges Bible Trivia Quiz

  1. Question: The Book of Judges opens with Judah attacking which two groups of people?
    Answer: Canaanites and Perizzites (Judges 1:4)
  2. Question: Which group did the Israelites fail to drive out completely at the end of Judges chapter 1?
    Answer: Canaanites (Judges 1:27-36)
  3. Question: Who rebuked the Israelites for disobeying God’s command to conquer the land and drive out its inhabitants?
    Answer: The angel of the Lord (Judges 2:1)
  4. Question: Who was the first judge raised by God for the Israelites that overpowered Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram?
    Answer: Othniel (Judges 3:9-10)
  5. True or False: The Book of Judges depicts a peaceful and prosperous time for the Israelites after they entered the Promised Land.
    Answer: False. The Book focuses on a cycle of oppression and deliverance due to Israelite disobedience.
  6. Question: What vow did Jephthah make to the Lord in exchange for victory over the Ammonites?
    Answer: He promised to sacrifice the first thing that came out of his house to meet him upon his return (Judges 11:30-31)
  7. Question: Who was the first person to greet Jephthah when he returned home after defeating the Ammonites, which ended in tragedy?
    Answer: His daughter (Judges 11:334)
  8. Question: What was Deborah’s role in leading the Israelites against the Canaanite king Jabin?
    Answer: She was a prophetess and judge who advised Barak, the military leader (Judges 4).
  9. Question: How did Jael kill Sisera after Barak’s forces defeated his army?
    Answer: She hammered a tent peg into his head while he slept (Judges 4:17-21)
  10. True or False: All the judges mentioned in the book of Judges were military leaders who led the Israelites in battle.
    Answer: False. Deborah was a prophetess who advised Barak, the military leader (Judges 4).
  11. Question: What was Gideon doing when the angel of the Lord called him to lead the Israelites against the Midianites?
    Answer: He was threshing wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites (Judges 6:11)
  12. Question: How many men did Gideon have in his army?
    Answer: 300 men (Judges 7:6-8)
  13. Question: What unusual strategy did Gideon use to defeat the Midianite army?
    Answer: He used trumpets, torches, and jars to create confusion among the enemy at night, which led them to fight each other and flee (Judges 7:15-25).
  14. Question: Who did Micah steal 1,100 shekels from and later return it?
    Answer: His mother (Judges 17:1-2)
  15. True or False: To gain victory over the Ammonites, Jephthah vowed a grain offering to the Lord.
    Answer: False. He vowed a burnt offering (Judges 11:30-31).
  16. Question: Which tribe sent five spies to explore the land for a place to settle and spent the night at Micah’s house?
    Answer: The Danites (Judges 18)
  17. Question: Who did the man send out to the wicked men in Gibeah that was traveling with his houseguest the Levite?
    Answer: The Levite’s concubine (Judges 19:25)
  18. Question: Which tribe of Israel committed the horrific act of violence toward the Levite’s concubine that was punished?
    Answer: The Benjaminites (Judges 19-20)
  19. Question: How many of the 25,000 Benjamite men survived the war by fleeing into the wilderness?
    Answer: 600 men (Judges 20:47)
  20. True or False: The Book of Judges emphasizes the importance of centralized leadership for the Israelites during this period.
    Answer: True. The ongoing struggles highlight the need for a strong and God-fearing leader to unite the tribes.
  21. Question: Which two towns did the remaining Benjamite men obtain wives after the Israelite tribes made an oath not to allow their women to marry a Benjaminte?
    Answer: Jabesh-Gilead and Shiloh (Judges 21)
  22. Question: Whose birth was foretold by the angel of the Lord to a barren woman from the clan of the Danites?
    Answer: Samson (Judges 13)
  23. Question: What recurring theme (or cycle) is emphasized throughout the Book of Judges?
    Answer: The cycle of disobedience, oppression, repentance, and deliverance.
  24. Question: What does the Book of Judges reveal about the character of God?
    Answer: His faithfulness despite the Israelites’ repeated disobedience, and His willingness to raise up leaders to deliver them.
  25. True or False: The story of Samson portrays him as a wise and faithful leader who uses his God-given strength for the benefit of the Israelites.
    Answer: False. Samson’s choices are often impulsive and disobedient, leading to his downfall (Judges 13-16)
  26. Question: Who was the king of Israel at the end of the Book of Judges?
    Answer: There was no king. Judges 25:25 says, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.”
  27. Question: What was unique about Ehud’s sword that he used to assassinate King Eglon of Moab?
    Answer: It was a double-edged sword (Judges 3:16)
  28. Question: What does Judges chapter 5 record after Deborah and Barak defeat King Jabin?
    Answer: A song sung by Deborah and Barak (Judges 4:7)
  29. Question: How did the Lord command Gideon to test his men before the battle against the Midianites?
    Answer: He had them drink from a stream. The men who lapped up the water from their cupped hands (like dogs) were chosen while the men who knelt to drink were sent away (Judges 7:5-7).
  30. True or False: Samson was a Nazirite.
    Answer: True
  31. Question: What did Samson do in the temple of Dagon, the Philistine god, that resulted in his own death and the destruction of the temple?
    Answer: He pushed down the pillars, causing the temple to collapse (Judges 16:29-30)
  32. Question: What did Micah put in his house that his mother paid 200 shekels for?
    Answer: An idol (Judges 17:4)
  33. Question: Who betrayed Samson to the Philistines?
    Answer: Delilah (Judges 16)
  34. Question: Who were some of the major judges mentioned in the Book?
    Answer: Othniel, Ehud, Deborah and Barak (her general), Gideon, Jephtah, and Samson
  35. True or False: The Book of Judges explicitly mentions the construction of the Tabernacle, the portable place of worship for the Israelites.
    Answer: False. The construction of the Tabernacle is described in Exodus, while Judges focuses on the period after its establishment.
  36. Question: Who were some of the minor judges mentioned in the Book?
    Answer: Shamgar, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon
  37. Question: What did Samson find in the carcass of a lion that he scooped up at ate?
    Answer: Honey (Judges 14:8-9)
  38. Question: What did Gideon put on the ground to test God as a way to confirm his calling?
    Answer: A fleece (Judges 6:36)
  39. True or False: The story of Ruth, a Moabite woman who married an Israelite, is included in the Book of Judges.
    Answer: False. The story of Ruth is a separate book in the Bible.
  40. True or False: The Book of Judges concludes with the Israelites living in peace and unity under the leadership of a righteous judge.
    Answer: False. The Book ends with a sense of ongoing challenges and no clear resolution (Judges 21).
  41. Question: What was the name of the river where Jabin’s army was defeated?
    Answer: Kishon River (Judges 4:7)
  42. Question: Where did Jephthah settle after fleeing from his brothers?
    Answer: The land of Tob (Judges 11:3)
  43. Question: What animal did Gideon present as an offering to the angel of the Lord?
    Answer: A young goat (Judges 6:19)
  44. Question: What was the source of Samson’s strength which was removed in order to subdue him?
    Answer: His hair or the seven braids of hair (Judges 16:17-19)
  45. True or False: Throughout the Book of Judges, God directly speaks to the Israelite people, reminding them of His faithfulness and calling them to repentance.
    Answer: True
  46. Question: Where was Jephthah asked to return to by the elders to be the commander against the Ammonites?
    Answer: Gilead (Judges 11)
  47. Question: What did Jael give Sisera to drink?
    Answer: Milk (Judges Judges 4:19)
  48. Question: How long did Jephthah judge Israel?
    Answer: Six years (Judges 12:7)
  49. True or False: Gideon had 70 sons by his wives.
    Answer: True
  50. True or False: The judges in the Book were divinely chosen kings who ruled over all the twelve tribes of Israel.
    Answer: False. Judges were temporary leaders who emerged in response to specific threats, not permanent kings ruling over a unified Israel.

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