Test your knowledge of the Book of Deuteronomy by taking this Deuteronomy Bible Quiz.
Whether you’re a curious newcomer or a seasoned scholar, this trivia challenge with questions and answers will test your familiarity with the fifth Book of the Old Testament and discover how much you truly know.
Scoring: This quiz has 50 questions and is worth 100 percentage points. Give yourself 2 points for each correct answer and 0 points for each wrong answer. Example: Getting 45 questions correct will earn a 90% score (45 x 2 = 90).
Deuteronomy Bible Trivia Quiz
Question: Where did Moses deliver the speeches recorded in Deuteronomy?
Answer: In the wilderness east of the Jordan River.
Question: What mountain range was mentioned in Deuteronomy 3 where the Israelites took the land out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorites?
Answer: Mount Hermon
Question: How many commandments did Moses remind the Israelites of in Deuteronomy?
Answer: The specific number isn’t mentioned but it refers to the Ten Commandments and expands on God’s Law.
Question: What are the three parts of a person that are to Love the Lord God with as mentioned in Deuteronomy 6?
Answer: Heart, soul, and strength. (Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.)
True or False: Deuteronomy prohibits the Israelites from wearing clothing made of mixed fabrics, such as wool and linen.
Answer: True – Deuteronomy 22:11
Question: What were the Israelites commanded to tie as symbols on their hands and bind them to their foreheads?
Answer: The commandments
Question: Where did God command the Israelites to worship and bring their sacrifices after entering the Promised Land?
Answer: At the place the Lord your God will choose.
Question: What was forbidden concerning the worship of other gods?
Answer: Planting trees or setting up pillars beside the altar of the Lord your God.
Question: What was every creditor to do at the end of every seven years?
Answer: They were to release what they lent to their neighbor.
True or False: According to Deuteronomy, the firstborn son inherits a double portion of his father’s inheritance.
Answer: True
Question: What was the primary purpose of the tithe, a tenth of the harvest given to the Lord?
Answer: To teach the Israelites to fear (put trust in) the Lord.
Question: How were the Israelites to treat foreigners living among them?
Answer: With love, remembering they were once foreigners in Egypt.
Question: Were blessings or curses proclaimed at Mount Ebal?
Answer: Curses. Blessings were proclaimed from Mount Gerizim and curses from Mount Ebal.
Question: What punishment was prescribed for a man who falsely accused his wife of not being a virgin before marriage?
Answer: A fine of 100 shekels paid to the woman’s father. She also could not be divorced for as long as he lived.
True or False: Deuteronomy outlines specific regulations for proper beard grooming.
Answer: False – There are no such regulations for beards, though other practices like not shaving the front of the head for the dead appear in Deuteronomy 14:1.
Question: How were cities suspected of worshipping other gods to be handled?
Answer: Completely destroyed with no survivors.
Question: What was the law concerning a rebellious son who refused to obey his parents?
Answer: He could be brought before the elders and stoned to death if proven guilty.
Question: What was the penalty for murder?
Answer: Death
Question: Why did Moses appoint Joshua as his successor to lead the Israelites?
Answer: Because Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.
Question: What is the name of the song Moses taught the Israelites before his death?
Answer: The Song of Moses
True or False: Cities of Refuge were only for Israelites who accidentally committed murder.
Answer: True
Question: What were the people to cover the stones with that were set up on the altar at Mount Ebal?
Answer: Plaster
Question: What mountain did Moses climb before his death to see the Promised Land?
Answer: Mount Nebo
Question: How old was Moses when he died?
Answer: 120 years old
True or False: Deuteronomy prescribes the death penalty for anyone who teaches false doctrines or worshipping of other Gods.
Answer: True
Question: How many witnesses were required to convict someone of a crime or offense?
Answer: Two or three witnesses
Question: What is an example of reciprocal justice based on God’s law of retaliation that showed no pity for false witnesses?
Answer: Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot.
Question: What was the law concerning helping a neighbor’s ox or donkey if it was found straying?
Answer: It should be returned to its owner.
Question: What was forbidden when plowing a field?
Answer: Using (or yoking) an ox and a donkey together.
True or False: The book of Deuteronomy emphasizes the importance of the priesthood, outlining their duties and privileges.
Answer: False. While Levites are mentioned, the focus is on the overall laws and responsibilities of the Israelites.
Question: What protection did the law offer to a newly married man?
Answer: He was exempt from military service for his first year of marriage.
Question: What must a split-hooved animal do to be considered clean and able to be eaten by the Israelites?
Answer: Chew cud
Question: What were the names of the three annual pilgrimage festivals the Israelites were commanded to celebrate?
Answer: Passover (Feast of Unleavened Bread), The Festival of Weeks (or Pentecost), and The Festival of Tabernacles (or Feast of Booths or Tents)
Question: Who were the four groups of people that the tithe, a tenth of the harvest, to be divided in the third year?
Answer: The Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows.
True or False: Deuteronomy prohibits the marrying of captive women from war.
Answer: False. A captive woman may be married an enemy of war.
Question: What type of practices were forbidden by God because they were detestable and an abomination to the Lord?
Answer: Occult practices, such as sacrificing of children in fire, divination, sorcery, interpreting omens, witchcraft, casting spells, consulting with the dead as a medium or spiritualist.
Question: What happened to debts owed between Israelites every seven years?
Answer: Debts were to be forgiven (or canceled).
Question: What were some of the blessings God promised for obedience to His commandments as listed in Deuteronomy 28?
Answer: Abundant harvests; victory over enemies; prosperity of children, livestock, and crops; and peace in the land.
Question: What were some of the consequences of disobeying God’s commandments as listed in Deuteronomy 28?
Answer: Famine, war, oppression, disease, plagues, and exile.
True or False: According to Deuteronomy, a person put to death on a pole for a capital offense must be left overnight to satisfy God’s judgment.
Answer: False. The person must be buried the same day because that person is under God’s curse and the land must not be desecrated with them hanging on a pole.
Question: What mountain did the tribes of Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin proclaim the blessings?
Answer: Mount Gerizim
Question: What animal did Moses compare the Lord’s care for Israel to in Deuteronomy 32:11?
Answer: An eagle
Question: What did Moses prophesy about the future scattering and restoration of the Israelites?
Answer: Their disobedience would lead to exile but God would ultimately redeem them.
Question: What is the main theme of Moses’ Song in Deuteronomy 32?
Answer: God’s faithfulness and justice, contrasted with Israel’s disobedience.
True or False: Deuteronomy outlines the specific design and construction instructions for the Ark of the Covenant.
Answer: False. Exodus provides those details. Deuteronomy focuses on the Law.
Question: Who did Moses bless before his death?
Answer: Each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Question: What did the Lord say to Moses about the future prophet who would come after him?
Answer: The prophet would be like Moses and come from his fellow Israelites.
Question: During Moses’ final message to the Israelites before his death, who did he say would not leave them when they took possession of the Promised Land?
Answer: God
Question: How did Deuteronomy portray Moses’ character?
Answer: As a faithful leader who loved God and his people, reminding them of the covenant and God’s promises.
True or False: Deuteronomy forbids the Israelites from ever engaging in warfare again.
Answer: False. Deuteronomy acknowledges the need for self-defense and outlines rules for conducting warfare.
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