New Testament Chapters In Order

Explore the New Testament chapters in order. Choose a chapter below to begin reading the Holy Scriptures in order for any book of the Bible in the New Testament.

New Testament Chapters In Order

Matthew Chapters

Mark Chapters

Luke Chapters

John Chapters

Acts Chapters

Romans Chapters

1 Corinthians Chapters

2 Corinthians Chapters

Galatians Chapters

Ephesians Chapters

Philippians Chapters

Colossians Chapters

1 Thessalonians Chapters

2 Thessalonians Chapters

1 Timothy Chapters

2 Timothy Chapters

Titus Chapters

Philemon Chapters

Hebrews Chapters

James Chapters

1 Peter Chapters

2 Peter Chapters

1 John Chapters

2 John Chapters

3 John Chapters

Jude Chapters

Revelation Chapters

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