Revelation Chapter 15 Summary

Revelation chapter 15 introduces a vision of those who have overcome the beast and portrays the preparation for the final judgments on earth.

Summary of Revelation Chapter 15

In Revelation 15, John witnesses a group standing victorious “like glass mingled with fire” on a “sea of glass” singing praises to God. These are likely those who remained faithful despite persecution during the Tribulation.

The chapter then shifts to reveal seven angels, each holding a golden vial filled with the “seven last plagues,” representing God’s final judgments on a rebellious world.

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A powerful voice instructs the angels to pour out these vials upon the earth, signifying the commencement of the final phase of God’s wrath. The temple in heaven fills with smoke, symbolizing God’s glory and power unleashed in these judgments.

Revelation 15 Themes

  • Victory of the Faithful: The chapter celebrates the perseverance of those who remained loyal to God in the face of persecution.
  • Divine Judgment: The introduction of the seven vials signifies the coming judgment on those who have opposed God.
  • God’s Glory and Power: The smoke filling the temple emphasizes the awe-inspiring nature of God’s power and righteousness displayed in the final judgments.

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