The Book of Psalms, a collection of 150 poems and songs in the Hebrew Bible, provides a window into the hopes, fears, and praises of the Israelites.
The chapters in Psalms are divided into five books to arrange each theme into sections. Below, you will find a summary of each “book” of Psalms as well as individual Psalms chapter summaries that offer a concise overview of each poem and song, allowing you to delve deeper into the richness and diversity of this beloved book of the Bible.
When you are done reading here, you may also want to check out our complete list of Bible Chapter Summaries for every Book of the Bible.
Book of Psalms Section Summaries
Section 1 (Psalms 1-41)
- Theme: Praise and trust in God.
- Content: This section contains many psalms of praise, expressing gratitude and awe for God’s creation, power, and faithfulness. Additionally, it includes psalms of lament, expressing personal struggles and pleading for God’s help.
Section 2 (Psalms 42-72)
- Theme: The rule and justice of God.
- Content: This section focuses on the themes of God’s kingship, justice, and deliverance. It includes psalms that express the hope for God’s intervention in times of injustice and suffering, as well as psalms that celebrate God’s righteous rule over the world.
Section 3 (Psalms 73-89)
- Theme: The struggle with doubt and faith.
- Content: This section explores the challenges of maintaining faith in the face of suffering and injustice. It includes psalms that grapple with questions about God’s goodness and the prosperity of the wicked. Ultimately, these psalms reaffirm faith in God’s justice and ultimate plan.
Section 4 (Psalms 90-106)
- Theme: Reflection on history and God’s faithfulness.
- Content: This section focuses on historical events and God’s covenant with his people. It includes psalms of lament regarding past transgressions as well as expressions of praise for God’s continued faithfulness throughout history.
Section 5 (Psalms 107-150)
- Theme: Praise and thanksgiving.
- Content: This final section is dominated by psalms of praise and thanksgiving, celebrating God’s goodness and faithfulness in various aspects of life. It includes calls to worship and expressions of joy for God’s deliverance and blessings.
Psalms Summary By Chapter
Chapter 1: The Way of the Righteous
Contrasts the path of the righteous, who delight in God’s law and find prosperity, with the path of the wicked, who are destined for judgment. Establishes the core themes of seeking God’s guidance and the consequences of choosing righteousness or wickedness.
Chapter 2: God’s Anointed King
Describes the futile rebellion of earthly powers against God and His chosen king. Affirms God’s ultimate authority and His promise to protect His anointed one.
Chapter 3: Cry for Morning Deliverance
A prayer of confidence in God’s protection amidst fear and danger. Expresses trust that God will answer the psalmist’s cry and provide deliverance from enemies.
Chapter 4: Prayer for Relief and Right Thinking
Asks for God’s favor and relief from distress, while reflecting on the emptiness of worldly pursuits. Acknowledges the importance of righteousness and trusting in God’s peace.
Chapter 5: Plea for Guidance and Protection
Appeals to God for protection against deceitful foes and expresses confidence in His just judgment. Reaffirms the psalmist’s devotion and trust in God’s presence and guidance.
Chapter 6: Plea for Mercy in Illness
A lament filled with anguish and a plea for God’s mercy and healing during a time of suffering. Expresses the psalmist’s deep weariness and fear of death.
Chapter 7: Plea for Vindication and Justice
Proclaims the psalmist’s innocence and asks God to act as a righteous judge against wicked persecutors. Expresses confidence that God will ultimately vindicate the righteous.
Chapter 8: Awe at God’s Creation
Celebrates God’s majesty and glory as seen in His creation, specifically focusing on the unique place of humanity within the divine order. Expresses wonder and gratitude for God’s power.
Chapter 9: Thanksgiving for God’s Judgment
Praises God for His just rule and defense of the oppressed. Celebrates the downfall of the wicked and anticipates the establishment of God’s righteous reign.
Chapter 10: A Cry Against the Arrogant
Laments the oppression of the poor and helpless at the hands of the wicked. Appeals to God to intervene and bring justice to a world filled with violence and deceit.
Chapter 11: Confidence in God’s Refuge
Finds comfort and strength in God’s righteousness amidst a world of wickedness. Affirms that God tests the hearts of people and will ultimately reward the just.
Chapter 12: A Plea for God’s Intervention
Expresses despair over the deceit and arrogance of the wicked, who seem to prosper. Pleads for God to act and protect the faithful from their oppressors.
Chapter 13: Longing for God’s Answer
A lament expressing deep sorrow and a feeling of abandonment by God. Pleads for God’s light and deliverance from despair.
Chapter 14: The Folly of the Ungodly
Describes the corruption and senselessness of those who reject God. Expresses hope for the salvation of the righteous and God’s restoration of His people.
Chapter 15: Qualities of Those Who Dwell With God
Describes the qualities of a person who will be welcomed into God’s presence: integrity, honesty, faithfulness, and a rejection of slander. Emphasizes the importance of righteous living.
Chapter 16: Confidence in God’s Protection
Proclaims complete trust in God as the source of all good and joy. Expresses confidence in God’s protection and hope for the fullness of life in His presence.
Chapter 17: Prayer for Vindication
Appeals to God for justice and deliverance from deceitful enemies. Affirms the psalmist’s innocence and asks for protection and vindication.
Chapter 18: Praise for Deliverance from Enemies
A powerful song of thanksgiving for God’s dramatic intervention and rescue from powerful enemies. Vividly describes God’s strength and the psalmist’s complete dependence on Him.
Chapter 19: Awe at Creation and God’s Law
Celebrates the glory of God revealed in creation and the perfection of His law. Expresses a desire for deepened understanding and obedience to God’s precepts.
Chapter 20: Prayer for the King’s Victory
A prayer for God’s support and deliverance for the king as he goes into battle. Expresses confidence in God’s power and anticipates victory for His anointed.
Chapter 21: Joy and Longing
Expressing joy in God’s strength and blessings, the psalmist concludes with a longing for continued life and favor.
Chapter 22: From Depths to Flickering Hope
A lament filled with anguish and feelings of abandonment by God in suffering, ending with a faint flicker of hope and trust in God’s faithfulness.
Chapter 23: The Lord, My Shepherd
A beautiful metaphor portrays God as a shepherd providing for and guiding his sheep, expressing complete trust in God’s care.
Chapter 24: Earth Belongs to the Lord
Proclaims God’s ownership of the earth and all it contains, celebrating the inheritance of the land by the righteous and praising God’s sovereignty.
Chapter 25: Guidance, Protection, and Forgiveness
A heartfelt plea for God’s guidance, protection, and forgiveness, expressing the desire to follow God’s ways and receive his blessings.
Chapter 26: Confidence in Righteousness
Affirms trust in God’s righteousness and declares innocence, petitioning for continued protection and vindication from false accusations.
Chapter 27: God, My Light and Salvation
Expresses unwavering trust in God as the source of light, salvation, and strength, declaring fearlessness and confidence in God’s presence.
Chapter 28: Justice, Wisdom, and Transience
A plea for God to judge the wicked and reward the righteous, accompanied by reflection on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of seeking wisdom from God.
Chapter 29: The Voice of the Lord in a Storm
A powerful description of God’s majesty and power manifested in a storm, leading to praise and awe for God’s control over the natural world.
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Death
Expresses gratitude for God’s deliverance from illness and the brink of death, acknowledging past transgressions and pleading for continued favor and healing.
Chapter 31: Seeking Refuge in God’s Righteousness
Affirms the psalmist’s righteousness and seeks refuge in God’s character, pleading for vindication and deliverance from deceitful enemies.
Chapter 32: Joy for the Forgiven and Warning to the Wicked
Declares the joy and blessing of forgiveness from God, contrasting it with the consequences for the unrepentant wicked.
Chapter 33: Praise for God’s Goodness and Call to Righteousness
Celebrates God’s goodness, power, and faithfulness, encouraging the practice of righteousness, trusting in God, and offering him praise.
Chapter 34: Trust in God’s Justice
Urges trust in God’s justice and promises, even when His timing is unclear, and pleads for God’s protection of the righteous and deliverance from the wicked.
Chapter 35: Prayer for Vindication and Justice
Laments the attacks and injustices faced by the righteous and pleads for God’s intervention and vindication, expressing confidence in God’s ultimate judgment and the triumph of justice.
Chapter 36: Lament on the Wicked and Trust in God’s Justice
Reflects on the prevalence of evil and injustice while affirming confidence in God’s unwavering justice and His ultimate victory over evil.
Chapter 37: Trust in God and Avoid Envy
Advises against envying the prosperity of the wicked and encourages trust in God’s timing and justice, providing guidance for living a righteous life and trusting in God’s ultimate plans.
Chapter 38: God’s Unfathomable Wisdom and Power
God challenges the psalmist with a series of rhetorical questions highlighting the vastness and complexity of creation, encouraging humility and awe before God’s incomprehensible wisdom and power.
Chapter 39: Accepting Life’s Limitations and Trusting in God
Reflects on the brevity of human life and the limitations of human understanding, ultimately reaffirming trust in God’s wisdom and acceptance of His plans.
Chapter 40: Waiting Patiently for the Lord
Expresses patient trust in God’s deliverance from suffering, acknowledging His intervention and celebrating His faithfulness and power.
Chapter 41: Blessed are the Compassionate
A plea for God’s mercy and protection during illness, acknowledging the importance of showing compassion to others.
Chapter 42: As a Deer Thirsts for Water
A longing for God’s presence and frustration at being excluded from worshipping in the temple due to persecution.
Chapter 43: Vindication from Treacherous Enemies
A renewed plea for God’s intervention against deceitful enemies and a longing for the restoration of joy and fellowship with God.
Chapter 44: A Plea for Deliverance from Past Victories
Recalling God’s past victories on behalf of Israel and pleading for renewed intervention against present enemies.
Chapter 45: A Song of the King’s Majestic Love
Praises the king’s righteous rule, wisdom, and beauty, highlighting God’s anointing and support.
Chapter 46: God is Our Refuge and Strength
Expresses confidence in God’s protection and deliverance even in the face of earthquakes and natural disasters.
Chapter 47: God Reigns Over All the Nations
Proclaims God’s universal kingship and calls for all nations to praise and worship Him.
Chapter 48: A Beautiful City, Mount Zion
Celebrates the beauty and holiness of Jerusalem, the city of God, and the blessings it offers to those who dwell there.
Chapter 49: The Folly of Trusting in Riches
Warns against the fleeting nature of wealth and the ultimate worthlessness of material possessions compared to trusting in God.
Chapter 50: A Call to True Worship
God critiques empty rituals and outward displays of religion, emphasizing the importance of genuine obedience, sacrifice, and gratitude.
Chapter 51: A Plea for Mercy and Renewal After Sin
A heartfelt confession of sin and a plea for God’s forgiveness, cleansing, and restoration.
Chapter 52: The Deceitful Tongue Will Be Silenced
Denounces the wicked who boast in their evil deeds and expresses confidence in God’s justice and ultimate judgment.
Chapter 53: The Folly of Denying God
Declares the foolishness of denying God’s existence and highlights the sinful nature and destructive consequences of such unbelief.
Chapter 54: A Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies
Pleads for God’s deliverance from malicious attackers and expresses confidence in His unfailing love and protection.
Chapter 55: Overwhelmed by Anxiety
Expresses overwhelming anxiety and turmoil due to external pressures and pleads for God’s intervention and peace.
Chapter 56: Trust in God Despite Enemies
Affirms unwavering trust in God’s promises and faithfulness despite the presence of enemies and expresses confidence in deliverance.
Chapter 57: A Prayer for Refuge and Deliverance
Pleads for God’s protection and shelter, comparing his enemies to wild animals and expressing confidence in His saving power.
Chapter 58: Do the Wicked Have No Understanding?
Denounces the injustice and corruption of the wicked rulers and pleads for God to intervene and establish justice.
Chapter 59: Deliverance from Enemies Who Deserve Judgment
Cries out to God for protection from relentless enemies and expresses confidence in God’s righteous judgment upon them.
Chapter 60: A Lament for Desolation and a Plea for Restoration
Laments the destruction and suffering brought upon Israel by its enemies and pleads for God’s restoration and vindication.
Chapter 61: Seeking Refuge
Feeling faint and facing enemies, the psalmist cries out to God, seeking refuge and longing for lasting protection in the divine presence.
Chapter 62: Trusting in God Alone
Despite external pressures and fleeting allurements of wealth, the psalmist declares unwavering trust in God, proclaiming him as the source of salvation, honor, strength, and refuge.
Chapter 63: Yearning for God
Deeply thirsting for God’s presence and love, the psalmist expresses longing for a renewed experience of God’s favor and faithfulness.
Chapter 64: Prayer for Protection and Vindication
Facing deceitful and violent enemies, the psalmist pleads with God for protection, calling for their defeat and the vindication of the righteous.
Chapter 65: Praise for God’s Provision
The psalmist praises God for answering prayers, forgiving sins, and providing for his people, inviting all to come and experience his goodness.
Chapter 66: A Call to Worship and Thanksgiving
The psalmist exhorts all nations to praise God for his marvelous deeds, recounting his saving power and calling for offerings and thankful hearts.
Chapter 67: Blessing for the Nations
The psalmist prays for God’s blessing to reach all nations, bringing them knowledge of him, peace, and joy.
Chapter 68: God’s Mighty Victories
The psalmist recounts God’s past victories over his enemies and expresses confidence in his continued power and protection.
Chapter 69: Deliverance from Distress
Facing deep personal struggles and betrayal, the psalmist pleads for God’s deliverance from his distress, expressing hope in his steadfast love and faithfulness.
Chapter 70: A Cry for Urgent Help
In desperate need of immediate help, the psalmist cries out to God for swift salvation and asks for the shame of his enemies to turn back upon them.
Chapter 71: In You, Lord, I Take Refuge
Throughout life’s challenges, the psalmist expresses unwavering trust in God’s protection and faithfulness, seeking refuge in him from youth to old age.
Chapter 72: A Prayer for a Just Ruler
The psalmist prays for a king who rules with justice and righteousness, bringing prosperity and peace to his people, especially the vulnerable and oppressed.
Chapter 73: The Paradox of Prosperity
Questioning why the wicked often seem to prosper while the righteous suffer, the psalmist ultimately affirms God’s justice and the eventual downfall of the wicked.
Chapter 74: Lament for a Desolated Temple
Recalling the destruction of the temple, the psalmist laments its devastation and pleads with God to restore his dwelling place and his people.
Chapter 75: Praise for God’s Sovereignty
The psalmist praises God for his sovereignty, acknowledging his power to exalt and humble, and trusting in his righteous judgment.
Chapter 76: God’s Majesty and Power
The psalmist declares God’s awesome power and majesty, recounting his past victories and expressing confidence in his continued protection.
Chapter 77: In Times of Trouble, I Remember God
Despite facing personal struggles and questioning God’s presence, the psalmist recounts past experiences of God’s goodness and finds renewed hope in his faithfulness.
Chapter 78: Retelling God’s Mighty Deeds
The psalmist urges future generations to remember and learn from the history of God’s works, recounting his mighty acts, faithfulness, and warnings to his people.
Chapter 79: Lament for Jerusalem’s Destruction
The psalmist laments the destruction of Jerusalem and pleads with God for mercy, restoration, and vengeance against their enemies.
Chapter 80: A Plea for Restoration
Calling God the Shepherd of Israel, the psalmist pleads for him to restore his people’s prosperity and favor, comparing them to a struggling vineyard.
Chapter 81: A Call to Worship and Obedience
A joyous call to worship God, followed by a reminder of past deliverance and a lament for Israel’s disobedience.
Chapter 82: A Plea for Justice
A call for God to judge the corrupt and defend the oppressed.
Chapter 83: A Prayer for Protection from Enemies
A plea for God to intervene and scatter those who plot against his people.
Chapter 84: Longing for the House of God
A psalm expressing deep longing for the presence of God in his temple.
Chapter 85: A Prayer for Restoration and Steadfast Love
A petition for God’s continued favor, forgiveness, and restoration.
Chapter 86: A Prayer for Deliverance and Guidance
A plea for deliverance from trouble, protection, and guidance from God.
Chapter 87: The City of God
A celebration of Jerusalem as the city of God and a haven for his people.
Chapter 88: A Cry of Desperation
A desperate plea for God’s help in the midst of deep sorrow and isolation.
Chapter 89: An Unfailing Covenant
A song of praise for God’s faithfulness and his everlasting covenant with David.
Chapter 90: The Brevity of Life and the Need for Wisdom
A meditation on the brevity of life and a plea for God’s wisdom and mercy.
Chapter 91: Security in God’s Protection
A declaration of trust and security in God’s protection and care.
Chapter 92: A Song for the Sabbath
A call to praise God for his creation and his faithfulness throughout history.
Chapter 93: The Eternal King
A declaration of God’s sovereignty and power over all creation.
Chapter 94: A Call for Justice and Vengeance
A plea for God to act as a righteous judge and avenge the oppressed.
Chapter 95: A Call to Worship and Praise
An invitation to joyful worship and praise of God, the creator and sustainer of all.
Chapter 96: A Song for the New Creation
A song of praise for God’s majestic rule and the coming of his kingdom.
Chapter 97: The Lord Reigns Supreme
A declaration of God’s universal kingship and his righteous judgment.
Chapter 98: A New Song for the Lord
A song of praise for God’s saving acts and his righteousness displayed to all nations.
Chapter 99: The Lord is King, Let the Earth Tremble
A call to worship the holy and righteous God, the king who judges fairly.
Chapter 100: A Psalm of Thanksgiving
A call to joyful worship and thanksgiving to God, the good shepherd of his people.
Chapter 101: A Commitment to Integrity
King David vows to live with integrity, rejecting evil and associating with the faithful.
Chapter 102: A Cry for Help in Suffering
The psalmist expresses despair and longing for God’s deliverance from their affliction.
Chapter 103: A Song of Gratitude for God’s Mercy
The psalmist praises God for his unfailing love, forgiveness, and provision.
Chapter 104: A Hymn to God the Creator
This psalm celebrates the beauty and majesty of God’s creation, highlighting his power and wisdom.
Chapter 105: A Call to Remember God’s Mighty Deeds
The psalmist urges people to remember God’s faithfulness and the wonders he has done throughout history.
Chapter 106: A Confession of Israel’s Sin and Plea for Forgiveness
The psalmist acknowledges the Israelites’ repeated acts of rebellion and pleads for God’s continued mercy.
Chapter 107: A Song of Thanksgiving for Deliverance
This psalm expresses gratitude for God’s rescue of his people from various hardships.
Chapter 108: A Prayer for Victory and Confidence in God
The psalmist expresses confidence in God’s power to grant victory and declares unwavering faith and praise.
Chapter 109: A Plea for Vindication from Enemies
The psalmist, facing persecution, implores God to judge his enemies and vindicate him.
Chapter 110: The Priestly Kingship of the Messiah
This psalm proclaims the everlasting power and authority of the coming Messiah, who is both king and priest.
Chapter 111: Wholehearted Praise for God’s Works
The psalmist extols God’s wondrous deeds and expresses joy in reflecting on his character and creation.
Chapter 112: The Blessings of the Righteous
This psalm describes the blessings bestowed upon those who fear God and live righteously.
Chapter 113: A Call to Praise God, the Exalted One
The psalmist urges all people to praise God, emphasizing his supreme power and everlasting love.
Chapter 114: The Exodus: A Reminder of God’s Power
This psalm recounts the Israelites’ miraculous escape from Egypt, highlighting God’s power and majesty.
Chapter 115: Not to Us, But to Your Name Be the Glory
The psalmist declares that all glory belongs to God, not to human beings, for his acts of deliverance and faithfulness.
Chapter 116: Gratitude for Answered Prayers and Deliverance
The psalmist expresses heartfelt gratitude to God for answered prayers, deliverance from death, and the opportunity to continue serving him.
Chapter 117: A Call to All Nations to Praise God
This brief psalm urges all nations to join in praising God for his unfailing love and faithfulness.
Chapter 118: Thanksgiving for God’s Salvation
The psalmist offers thanksgiving for God’s saving grace and celebrates his victory and power.
Chapter 119: Meditation on God’s Law
This longest psalm explores the beauty and importance of God’s law, expressing the psalmist’s longing to understand and obey it.
Chapter 120: A Cry for Help from Oppressive Neighbors
The psalmist cries out to God for protection from malicious and deceitful neighbors.
Chapter 121: Trust in God’s Protection
In times of need, the psalmist looks to God for help, acknowledging that their strength comes from the Creator who made heaven and earth.
Chapter 122: Joyful Pilgrimage
The psalmist expresses joy at going to Jerusalem, the city of the Lord, where the tribes gather to worship and celebrate God’s presence.
Chapter 123: Looking to God for Mercy
The psalmist pleads with God for mercy, comparing their situation to a servant looking to their master for compassion.
Chapter 124: Deliverance from Trouble
The psalmist recounts how God saved them from overwhelming enemies, expressing gratitude for the Lord’s intervention.
Chapter 125: Trusting God’s Steadfast Love
The psalmist affirms their trust in God’s unfailing love and promises, comparing the righteous to Mount Zion, which remains firm and secure.
Chapter 126: Joyful Restoration
The psalmist, filled with joy, describes how God restored their fortunes after a period of hardship, comparing it to a dream come true.
Chapter 127: Blessings on the Family
The psalmist emphasizes that true success and happiness come from God’s blessing, highlighting the importance of a family built on God’s principles.
Chapter 128: Blessings of Fearing God
The psalmist describes the abundant blessings that come to those who fear God and walk in his ways.
Chapter 129: Persistent Oppression
The psalmist recounts the long history of suffering inflicted by their enemies, yet expresses hope and trust in God’s justice.
Chapter 130: From the Depths I Cry
Out of deep despair and anguish, the psalmist cries out to God for forgiveness and deliverance, pleading for his unfailing love.
Chapter 131: Finding Peace in Humility
The psalmist expresses humility and contentment, comparing their soul to a weaned child.
Chapter 132: A Promise to Build the Temple
David recalls his vow to build a temple for the Ark of the Covenant and expresses his joy at finding a suitable location.
Chapter 133: The Blessing of Unity
The psalmist praises the unity of God’s people, comparing it to fragrant oil and refreshing dew.
Chapter 134: A Song for Temple Guards
A call to praise God throughout the night by the temple guards.
Chapter 135: God’s Power and Faithfulness
The psalmist praises God’s power over creation and his faithfulness to Israel.
Chapter 136: A Song of Thanksgiving
A call to give thanks to God for his enduring love and faithfulness throughout history.
Chapter 137: Longing for Home in Exile
The Israelites in exile express their longing for Jerusalem and their refusal to sing their songs of praise in a foreign land.
Chapter 138: Gratitude for Deliverance
The psalmist expresses gratitude to God for deliverance and his promise to fulfill his purposes.
Chapter 139: God’s All-Knowing Presence
The psalmist acknowledges that God knows them completely, inside and out, and offers praise for his amazing design.
Chapter 140: A Prayer for Protection from the Wicked
The psalmist prays for protection from the wicked and their schemes.
Chapter 141: A Commitment to Upright Living
The psalmist declares their commitment to following God’s word and avoiding evil company.
Chapter 142: A Cry for Help in Distress
The psalmist cries out to God for help and deliverance from their enemies.
Chapter 143: A Plea for Forgiveness and Renewal
The psalmist pleads for God’s forgiveness and renewal, confessing their weakness and dependence on him.
Chapter 144: A Song of Praise for Victory
The psalmist praises God for granting victory over their enemies and acknowledges his dependence on him.
Chapter 145: A Hymn of Praise for God’s Greatness
The psalmist offers a hymn of praise for God’s greatness, majesty, and faithfulness.
Chapter 146: Praise God Throughout Life
A call to praise God throughout all of life, acknowledging his power and contrasting him with the fleeting nature of humanity.
Chapter 147: A Song of Restoration and Praise
A song of praise to God for restoring Jerusalem and his creation, with a call to join in the celebration.
Chapter 148: A Call to Universal Praise
A call for all creation, from the highest heavens to the earth, to praise God.
Chapter 149: A Song of New Praise
The psalmist calls for a new song of praise to God, sung by his faithful people with instruments of joy.
Chapter 150: A Final Call to Praise
A concluding call to praise God with everything one has, from all corners of the earth.

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